Some useful Xpath expressions to extract correct element from Html/XML.
I faced many issues while trying to learn to write Xpath expressions when i was trying to parse correct elements from Html and XML documents.Here are some of the long and complex XPaths with their explanations.
1. xpathApply(doc,"//p[not(ancestor::footer[@class='footer footer-intl'])][not(@class='email-signup-description')]",xmlValue)
Explanation: Get the value of those "p" nodes, which do not have "footer" ancestors with class aatributes value as "footer footer-intl" and which do not have "footer" ancestors with value of class attribute as "email-signup-description".
2. xpathSApply(doc,"//p[not(contains(@class,'promo__summary'))]", xmlValue)
Explanation: Get the value of those "p" nodes, where value of "class" attribute does not contain the text "promo__summary".
Explanation: Get the value of those "p" nodes where following conditions are met
- "div" element which has "class" attribute as 'story' should not be an ancestor.
- "div" element which has "class" attribute as 'disclaimer' should not be an ancestor.
- "div" element which has "class" attribute as 'footer-policy-links' should not be an ancestor.
These XPaths will give you an indication on how to parse appropriate node values from Html/Xml.
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